Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Eve

....and the lucky winner of the November issue of Bead Trends is.....quiltingjewel39...please send me an email with your mailing address so I can send out your issue right out.

Here we are Thanksgiving eve, I am sure most of us are either traveling or cooking. I am cooking, the house smells wonderful! We will be spending the day with our neighbor family....the second best thing since we live away from all of our families.  I hope everyone has a blessed day and that you are able to spend it with someone you love.

"Remember God's bounty in the year. String the pearls of His favor. Hide the dark parts, except so far as they are breaking out in light! Give this one day to thanks, to joy, to gratitude!"
[Henry Ward Beecher]


  1. Congratulations to the winner!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  2. It's so nice you have a neighbor family. Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

    I love the poem from Henry Ward Beecher.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving gorgeous...have a fab celebration! ;o)


    hello gorgeous xxx
