Sunday, November 13, 2011

Pickin Nashville

The past 5 days have been super busy, my best friend Donna from high school came to visit, and this being her first visit to Nashville there was lots to cram into 5 days. To top it off I have been sick for the past week and  lugged tissues everywhere and was honking the whole time...all in all it was such a great visit!
 We surprised Donna with a visit to  Antique Archaeology in Nashville. Donna is a big American Pickers fan. Mike Wolfe has recently made Nashville his part-time residence and has the coolest shop in the city. It was so cool to see all of the treasure hunting finds as they were all marked where they were picked and what episode they were on. It you are a fan of the show you would just love this place!
(I'm wearing my new Pickin Nashville shirt)

Last night we had a wonderful dinner at Maggiano's and our very handsome son Nick joined us...(just stating the obvious...
Now it's time to get back to work...very seriously too. I have a 2 day show this coming weekend and it will be a busy one. I hope everyone is doing well and I look forward to checking out some blogs and catching up.


  1. Awwww! No friend like an old friend. It must have been so much fun!

  2. handsome indeed!
    so glad you got to have fun with your friend...

  3. Sounds like you have been having a good time, despite your cold. Hope you feel better soon.

  4. Hi Judy, sorry i have been away so long..i have had alot going nice to catch up with my friends i have missed everyone so much...and yes what a handome young man...nice to spend time with friend i bet too...well i hope you feel better and good luck at your show on the weekend..ttfn Lana :)
