Monday, November 21, 2011

We Still Have Paris

...sigh....Paris is on my bucket list. One day I long to stand in front of the Eiffel Tower and gaze at its majestic beauty. The Eiffel tower is iconic these days and is featured in many accessory designs. I found this great antique Eiffel tower watch fob at an antique shop and included it in my "We still have Paris" typewriter key necklace.

 The nice folks at Bead Trends were kind enough to include my necklace in their November issue. You can find it on page 114, or you can see it here in their nice little video.
If you do not have the November issue of Bead Trends you have the chance to win it here. Just leave me a comment and tell me one thing that is on your bucket list and I will draw one lucky winner on Wednesday November 23rd.


  1. I have the November issue, my first one of my subscription! And it's a beauty!

    I love your Paris necklace. Oddly I have no desire to travel overseas (but I wouldn't turn down a free trip--say to the French Countryside). Rather, my dream is to spend a couple weeks each year exploring each and every state here in the good ole U.S.A.

  2. Hi Judy... your necklace is beautiful and unique as usual :) bucket list eh.....well...idk it's kinda hard to pick one thing...but as far as travel i have always wanted to visit Austrailia to go on one of those safaris to see all of the animals in there natural elemant...and i don't get that magazine here in Canada and would love a shot at winning a copy so count me in...
    take care & have a great day ttfn Lana :)

  3. I love, love, love the necklace!! My husband and I met and dated in Paris! My father was with the airlines and his in the military and we were both going to college there. What a romantic place to date!! We celebrate our 40th anniversay this week!! My wish is to get to go back to Paris with my husband. Good luck - I hope you get to go - it is fabulous!!

  4. County Cork, Ireland is on my list, and in my heart!

  5. Cant say I am a bit suprised to see your amazing necklace in the magazine...I am however shocked to NOT see it on the cover!Hugs,Cat

  6. Congrat's on the magazine Judy!

    Your Paris piece is great, I love the mixed colors on the keys and the pendant is so beautiful!

  7. I love the Paris necklace...congrats on getting in the magazine.

    Don't give up on going to Paris...I had the opportunity to visit many years ago and it was everything I had ever dreamed was fabulous...such history there.

    Happy Thanksgiving Judy!

  8. I love the necklace - and congrats on being in the magazine!
