Monday, July 18, 2011

....and here she is!

You know I have been looking for one of these gals for sometime. So when a friend of mine said she found a dress form I had to go and get her. Here she is in all of here glory! 

She certainly has been around the block a few times...she is missing her base and has some boob problems, but she is all mine and  I love her!

I am debating on repairing the rips, or just trimming the muslin back. The form will be great for my booth display, so eye catching! Hopefully my DH will be able to make a base for her.

On my way home from Kentucky the other day (after picking up my new girl) I stopped to take a few pictures. Here I was in the middle of corn fields and farms. It was hot as usual and the cows were cooling off. Whenever I see cows in the ponds it just makes me smile. 

 Only one curious cow turned my way and then went back to swishing her tail.
gotta love many fun things to do to your pictures.


  1. She's beautiful! I so want one of these, but hubby just rolls his eyes. Whew, they can be costly!

  2. Magnificent!! Love your new assistant, Judy!

  3. Boob troubles and all she's a great find. I'd like to be in the pond with those cows right now. Hot here!

  4. Glad you were able to rescue her!! They are hard to find and $$$ to boot!

  5. Congrats on your fabulous find, Judy!! I heart old dress forms...constantly on the lookout for them. They are so rare. One day I'll blog about mine - but I do not have a treasured one with the metal base like yours. So happy for you.
    I love Picnik too - don't know what I'd do without it! :-)

  6. I love your dress form!! Just wanted to share that I had one once without a base, my husband put an old weird ofice chair base on it. It looks really cool and actually rolls a lot better than the gals I have with their original bases. But base or no....she's a treasure!!
